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The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and adult social care in England. Through inspecting, monitoring and regulating services, the CQC aims to make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate and high-quality care.

In 2023, a new assessment framework was introduced. This framework applies to providers, local authorities and integrated care systems.

Assurance of Local Authority Adult Services

Local authority assessments will be distinct, in that they will focus on the statutory duties contained in the Care Act. The local authority assessments will use quality statements to look at the following four themes:

  1. working with people – look at assessing needs and supporting people to live healthier lives;
  2. providing support – care provision, integration and continuity and partnerships and communities;
  3. ensuring safety – safe systems, pathways and transitions and safeguarding;
  4. leadership and workforce – governance, management and sustainability and learning, improvement and innovation.

CQC Quality Statements Full List by Themes (pdf, opens in new window)

Publications and Resources for Local Authorities

CQC publications

Easy Read

CQC podcasts and presentations

Other useful information


Local authority framework: guidance and suggested best practice resources

More information:
